film & tv
Dir. Harald Zwart MarkenFilm
Dir. Lionel Goldstein Czar
Dir. John Madden Pulse Films
Dir. Koen Moirtier Czar
Dir. Mike & Enda Ponder
Dir. Jake Scott RSA
Dir. Simon Ratigan Rogue
Dir. Harvey Eaton Affixxus
Dir. Stina Lütz Chelsy
Dir. Joanna Bailey Snapper Films
Dir. Malcolm Venville Winner of CDG Award for Best Casting of a Commercial (2022)
Dir. Joanna Bailey Snapper CDG Award Nominee for Best Casting of a Commercial (2021)
Dir. Steve Rogers Somesuch CDG Award Nominee for Best Casting of a Commercial (2020)
Dir. Stacy Wall Rogue Films
Dir. Seb Edwards Academy Films Winner of CDG Award for Best Casting of a Commercial (2020)
Dir. AJ Colomb Caviar
Dir. Thomas Bryant Agile Films